The Role of the Modelmaker in Design
Last week I explored the value of making models, this week I will be looking into the role that modelmaking plays in the process of designing, with a focus on Architecture. Models play a huge role in every stage of design, from the earliest stages to the final product.
Sketch Models
Before a piece of architecture is even designed, models can help to gather ideas and inspiration. Sketch models (also sometimes called conceptual models) are usually made of paper, card, or even in some cases objects sitting around the desk. They are messy, a way to experiment with physical shapes.
Sketch models may also be used after the design has been decided upon, to better understand what the building will look like in 3D. It also helps find errors in the plans that need fixing.
Finished Models
These neater, more finished models also serve several purposes. They can be a way to show what the building will look like in its surroundings, once built. They could also be a way for the design to be exhibited, or even sold to a client. They may include interiors or sections but are usually exteriors, and can range in scale from 1:75 to 1:1000, depending on the models purpose, the needs of the client or the type of building they represent.
Even after the piece of architecture is built and finished, the model may be displayed in the building or perhaps in a museum or gallery, a façade may even be recreated for the sole purpose of display.
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