Spring Break - Reading / Research
Over the break I have chosen 2 main books to use for my research, as well as the abundance of articles on museum exhibits that can be found online.
The first book is 'The Engaging Museum' By Graham Black, which contains lots of information about audiences of museums and how they engage with exhibits, including case studies and tables and figures.
The second book is 'The Museum of the Senses' By Constance Classen. This book revolves more around art galleries and how works engage the senses. It also includes sections on the history of interactive exhibits in galleries and museums.
I have also found sections of the book 'Hands On Exhibitions' By Tim Caulton which I may use.
I will also be using the Natural History Museum and London Science museum websites to find out what kinds of interactive exhibits are open currently (or at least were open before lockdown) to help find information, as well as inspiration for the type of model I could make.
I know I plan to create a 'low tech' more hands on model, something with moving parts of tactile functions rather than a touchscreen. I have seen many puzzles as part of exhibitions, and recreations of old machines in museums which always drew my attention.
As for materials, while I have yet to physically experiment, I know that my model will need to be durable above all else as it is intended to be touched and moved about daily by visitors.