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Reading week: Research report

During the reading week, I read through Model-Making Materials and Methods by David Neat in order to inform my future research. I thought the book was informative and clearly written, giving in depth explanations and examples on a variety of model making techniques, some that I have come across before, and many I haven’t. The book is laid out and written clearly, with concise instructions and sections dedicated to materials and suppliers which makes this a very useful guide. I specifically took an interest in the card modelling section in the book’s first chapter: Constructing. While my previous projects involving card modelling have all been architectural models, I am interested by the tutorials in this book detailing the modelling of scale card objects such as furniture, which involves an entirely different process to my architectural pieces.

This book was incredibly helpful in exploring potential ideas for the essay unit and the possibility for writing about sets for stop motion animation. In particular, I want to explore how commonly available materials can be effective as a cheaper alternative material in lower budget productions. Neat, D (2008, pg. 28) details his thoughts on the use of card in miniature construction as a material that is: ‘...readily available in a variety of forms, is relatively cheap and is easy to cut with the simplest of tools.’ He later goes on to list some of its disadvantages, namely: ‘...cardboard is so sensitive to atmospheric moisture or changes of temperature that it is usually bent before it gets to us [...] it can’t be shaped and its edges can’t be sanded in the way that those of wood can.’ The equal amounts of advantages and disadvantages is something I am eager to potentially explore in the upcoming essay unit. I will do this by breaking down what is effective and ineffective about using cardboard for this purpose from an economical and technical standpoint.


Neat, D (2008). Model-Making Materials and Methods.

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