FMP Blog post 3 - architecture
While thinking about the type of architecture model(s) I may want to make for my FMP, I first began to think about and discuss with my tutors the materials I most enjoy working with. My two favourite architecture projects from previous years were made of card – partly out of accessibility as I was stuck in lockdown with no tools to cut thicker materials. Card is not only easy to work with, it also comes in such a huge variety of colours, textures, thicknesses and finishes. It is also a very eco-friendly material; a card model is totally recyclable.
I am passionate about the environment and sustainability, so making the model(s) for my FMP using sustainable and eco-friendly methods and materials is a priority for me. Many architecture models use plastics and create a lot of plastic waste, something I want to avoid where possible.
For things like windows, water or any 3D printed parts of the model, PLA is a good choice. It is a starch-based plastic that is biodegradable. It is available in both clear sheets, and in filament that is used in the 3D printers on campus.
I would like to avoid using other materials wherever possible and focus on techniques that make the most out of the card I use. I want to showcase the versatility of card for modelmaking.
I will be looking for architecture plans that will work best when made out of card, and I am hoping to make several models – possibly 3 or 4, depending on how long it takes me to prepare each project and how my health is.