Digital vs Traditional Models
To a modelmaking student in 2020, digital modelling is just a part of the model making world. It is easy to take this fact for granted and to forget that over the past 30 years technology has advanced incredibly quickly. There is no doubt that this technology has changed the way we make models. One of the ways it has changed is with rapid prototyping.
Image 1 - Poepoly 3D printers
With digital software and a 3D printer, it can be much faster to create a scale model, or even a working component. Technology like this also reaches beyond what a human can create, and does it with extreme accuracy. But then there is the matter of craftsmanship and creativity.
There is no question that you still require creativity to make a digital model.
Image 2 - 3D printed architectural model
” They (modelmakers) still require the same fundamental hand and machine skills, but … must now be experts in digital drawing and manufacturing.” - Lansdown, H ‘Digital Modelmaking’ 2019. There is also the fact that most 3D printed objects need sanding and painting once they are printed.
Whether crafted carefully by hand or printed with plastic from a computer, all models require craftsmanship, creativity and care to make. Rapid prototyping simply allows the option to make it a new and different way. The idea of being able to print and hold a model that was made on a computer is still exciting to me - as well as a testament to humans’ love of physical models - and I hope it stays that way.
Links & Quotes
- Quote: Digital Modelmaking by Helen Lansdown (2019)
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